This week, we had the pleasure of sharing Caboose Falls with our friend, Anthony. He has been an integral part of our journey from the very beginning, which made it all the more exciting to share with him the progress we have made so far.
P&LE 518
Work continued on the clean-out of 518. We finally emptied the lavatory area and also got rid of all the large furnishings from the caboose’s bay window area. Although there weren’t any visible leaks, everything in the bay, including books, chairs, tables, and electronics, had suffered severe mold and mildew damage. Unfortunately, except for a few small train magnets, nothing was salvageable.
Removing furniture from the sleeping area is next on our plans for this car. Once done, work in 518 will be idled while we concentrate our efforts on repairs in Reserve Mines 17.
Exciting developments are taking shape as we plan to eliminate the need for stairs from the parking area to 518. The new path will start at the parking area, pass through Hobo Camp, and wind its way down to the transfer caboose. Until the new path is complete, we still need the stairs, so we are working to replace all the rotten sections of wooden handrail.
Hobo Camp
The boys completed the task of raking and clearing the entire Hobo Camp area.. All that’s left now is burning off the brush pile.
We have kale growing in the atrium and tomatoes are on their way. Aurelius’s pea plants are thriving on the back porch of the transfer caboose.
Heavy rainfall in the past week resulted in a breathtaking display of water cascading through the main ravine. The increased flow caused some erosion near the active rails at the base of the ravine. That same rain caused the nearby Mahoning River to rise nearly 4.5 feet in a span of less than 48 hours.
There were several trains passing by today, but the most impressive one was the CSX ribbon rail train. It was fully loaded with 1/4 mile long sections of ribbon rail as it slowly made its way past Caboose Falls. The train also had some cars that still wore their Chessie System paint schemes.
Views from Caboose Falls
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:16-17