From Plans to Pipes: Enhancing Safety at Caboose Falls

Sparks were flying at Caboose Falls

Caboose Falls was bustling with activity as we kicked off the much-anticipated installation of safety railings along the walkway between P&LE 518 and P&LE 565. With its completion, visitors can now safety navigate between our two historic rail cars.

For this project we chose to use black pipe, a product made of semi-smooth steel with a black lacquer coating. This type of pipe is typically used for mechanical and pressure applications, such as steam, water, air, and gas systems – it can even be has even be found in cabooses.

The durability of black pipe allowed us to improve safety while maintaining the industrial charm of our cabooses.

With my father-in-law’s invaluable guidance and expertise we were able to complete the installation in just one afternoon. We are proud of the craftsmanship that went into this project and grateful for the teamwork that made it possible.

New railing between 565 and 518